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hey all,i finally got my parents to cross over to the saltwater they have a 125 and my question is if i seed the tank with some of my sand and lr would the tank still have to go through a cycle?and how long will it take for everything to build up as far as bacteria and waiting before adding anything to the tank.thanks


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Rockland County
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That's great Dave!

I think the answer to the cycle time would depend on how much LR and sand is seeded and if seeded enough, not even go through a cycle. I would suggest even using the water from when you do a water change.


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mike i thought of that also but wasnt to sure but im going to try and by up some rock thats already been running for sometime now and hopefully all wil go well.oh and ill make sure i take alot of pics.:D


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I hate to be a spoil sport BUT; You really need the biological filter, if using one other than LR and sand, to mature., which as you know can take several months. THe ammonia build up and nitrite levels will be high if using another filter, i.e., in-line, canister, etc. I agree with mike about the amount and the water. But I think we need more information about the hardware you are planning to use, if any. But I am an amature and would love to see what other MR experts have to say. Good Luck and remember rule #1: Don'd be in a rush!


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I hate to be a spoil sport BUT; You really need the biological filter, if using one other than LR and sand, to mature., which as you know can take several months. THe ammonia build up and nitrite levels will be high if using another filter, i.e., in-line, canister, etc. I agree with mike about the amount and the water. But I think we need more information about the hardware you are planning to use, if any. But I am an amature and would love to see what other MR experts have to say. Good Luck and remember rule #1: Don'd be in a rush!
my 29gal is going on a year pretty soon and i have no kind of filters on there now for about a few months and the tank is going great just livve sand and live rock with cheato in the sump,i dont even run carbon.what im trying to find out is if i would have to wait out a cycle or just give the tank time to establish its self by seeding it with mature sand and LR.this set up is simple new LSabout 100lbs(with some of my sand to seed,live rock about 100-150 lbs.thanks for the words guys.

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