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Bad News... So I went to feed my display yesterday and quickly realized my 6 + Inch Lamark with beautiful streamers was missing! Some how he wound up behind the tank, so bummer...

Well I had picked up a really nice pair of Bellus Angels probably close to a year ago and I have had them downstairs in my large tank in my sump room. Never really enjoying them as much as I could in the display tank. I had never put them upstairs in the display tank as the Lamark was so big I didnt want to have an issue with the Bellus male possibly changing.

Good News - So I went downstairs and caught the male in all of 2 minutes... feeling very accomplished I started to try to catch the female... One hour later as I pulled all the rocks out of the tank, I caught her!!

So now the display has a beautiful pair of Bellus Angels in it!!!

BETTTER NEWS! Well as I picked up the large main rock structure I see this HUGE Black sea monster!! Quickly drop the rock back down, go upstairs change my drawers... lol and get a larger container. I lift it out of the tank and this thing hanging out of the rock slithering all around with "jaws" gaping and freaking me out, I try to pull with tongs out and it comes in 2 pieces. So I dangle the rock over the water in the container and obviously the thing wants back in the water.

So after I get this out, I am like that is not a bristle worm.. It was a BIG Bobbitt worm!!! After wathcing videos I am lucky I have ANY fish in that tank. This thing was all of 2' long and that was shriveld. in the pic you can see a VERY large bristle worm and this thing looks like a midget next to the Bobbit.

So good came from bad. Still miss the Lamark it was my daughters favorite fish.

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Two Decade Club
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Sorry to hear about the Lamark .....do you have a covering? Or was it big enough to knock it off. I had a large yellow tail Tamarin that jumped knocking off an acrylic cover. Glad to hear you got that sea serpant out. They can do alot of damage.
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Unfortunately I have a Panel of glass that I usually keep in the back but I didn't have it there I just have the regular canopy my fault totally and yes I'm glad I got that thing out as well I just hope there's not more do they breed like bristle worms do
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