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Advanced Reefer
Westchester, N.Y
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My Blue line angel fish is so picky and very stubborn. He only will eat live black worms. When I got him I saw him eat Mysis at LFS. When I got him he refused to eat anything. Finally after 59 days he ate live black worms. So I continue to feed him live black worms To build him up. But in between I tried different food. I tried clams on halve shell, LRS, squid, krill, live brine shrimp, angel marine, seaweed, flake, pellets. It's been 5 days hasn't eaten. I ran out of live black worms. I guess I'm getting black worms this week. He looks at the food and refuses to eat. Never had a fish like this. Anybody experienced this?


The All Powerful OZ
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The Big City
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You may want to try Ocean Nutrition Angel Formula, as it has sponges in it and that is what a lot of Angels eat. Ocean Nutrition also selling a Red seaweed, which is good for fish that eat sponges. I would also try Spirulina flakes and Spectrum Pellets, all my fish eat the Therma A+. You may want to also try and put some Zoas in the tank, as a lot of Angels will eat them, it can be expensive but it's something until it starts to eat other food.
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Advanced Reefer
Westchester, N.Y
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You may want to try Ocean Nutrition Angel Formula, as it has sponges in it and that is what a lot of Angels eat. Ocean Nutrition also selling a Red seaweed, which is good for fish that eat sponges. I would also try Spirulina flakes and Spectrum Pellets, all my fish eat the Therma A+. You may want to also try and put some Zoas in the tank, as a lot of Angels will eat them, it can be expensive but it's something until it starts to eat other food.

Thanks, I tried Ocean nutrition because of the sponges. but he so smart or stubborn he looks at and swims away. Most stubborn fish. I just got black worms sticks see if that interest him.


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Pre calnus

Pretty sure I spelled it right. It?s a frozen food comes in cubes. It smells very strongly like rotten fish but I?ve found even the pickiest eaters will eat it. Have u tried live brine shrimp? Not sure where u live but btjs jungle on Long Island always has live brine and black worms. I have kept black worms alive for over a week. Just change the water daily with new rodi water and keep in the fridge. Also have u soaked the food in garlic prior to feeding to try to get him eating dry food? Garlic stimulates the feeding response. Also starve him a while and keep trying other types of food.


Advanced Reefer
Westchester, N.Y
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Pretty sure I spelled it right. It?s a frozen food comes in cubes. It smells very strongly like rotten fish but I?ve found even the pickiest eaters will eat it. Have u tried live brine shrimp? Not sure where u live but btjs jungle on Long Island always has live brine and black worms. I have kept black worms alive for over a week. Just change the water daily with new rodi water and keep in the fridge. Also have u soaked the food in garlic prior to feeding to try to get him eating dry food? Garlic stimulates the feeding response. Also starve him a while and keep trying other types of food.

He knows when I put garlic on the food. He one very stubborn fish. I can get black worms it's just that I want him to eat variety of food. He's so smart he knows what he wants. This fish has personality like know other fish I owned.


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Trust me stick to one food, I only feed all my fish a variety of pellets. It?s a lot easier and cheaper.

If your tang eats pellets stick to feeding that only. Your blue line will learn eventually.

My 2 cents.


Advanced Reefer
Garden city
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I get all my fish eating anything they will go for and also feed pellets eventually even the most finicky will go for pellets also
I have purple queen eating pellets all my leopards etc etc
Point is that once they eating that?s the key I?d stick with the black worms add in the mysis then pellets good luck always loved this part the hobby getting tough fish to eat frustrating because seems like more $ a fish is the finickier they r lol

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Advanced Reefer
Westchester, N.Y
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It's been a week and still never wanted all list of food. Thanks for Gills for getting me live black worms. I just put a nice portion and he went to town. I will continue to mix LRS, Mysis hope he gets a taste for something. He so stubborn he looks at every piece of food. Only will eat Black worms. I had him since October. Love this guy but not his behavior towards eating. I thought by now he would except all types of food.

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