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Experienced Reefer
North jersey
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So im browsing through the site because I need to get a new return pump (preferably and ECOTech M1), and i keep noticing these "Getting out" posts. Makes me wonder why Im delving deeper into the hobby. lol.

Ive recently just lost some Zoas that I just purchased. (never opened). I was losing corals and inverts in the past. So I stepped my game up and re-plumbed the return lin (had a metal ball valve). Switched to RODI and did some water changes. Ive been able to keep some shrimp and GSP alive for over a month +. My GSP isn't growing like ppl say they do (taking over tanks). So Im doing a little more to try to find the problem.

All my tests are at Zero, except for my Nitrates (20). Working on bringing it down. Maybe upgrading my light (now: current Loop system)....but these "getting out" posts seem to be ppl with perfectly fine tanks. Wondering what caused them to quit.

Reef lover24

Advanced Reefer
Long island
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sometimes life just happens and its time to take a break from the hobby. THis hobby can be quite time consuming and expensive and sometimes a break is needed. For me I do as little matienance as possible as I feel this is more beneficial and it does not interfere with everyday life.


Experienced Reefer
North jersey
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Yeah, my tank has been up since December. Im trying to get away with monthly water changes. I see some ppl doing them weekly. Kind of tough with a 125 gallon tank. Wondering how I will do it in the winter. My mixing station is in the garage.


Advanced Reefer
Long Island, NY
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Honestly that?s why I?ve always kept small tanks. They are manageable for me and I?m able to balance the time with my family.
Yea, smaller tanks are less tolerant of bad water quality and parameter swings etc but I take my time and buy stuff slowly.

Some people I think get large tanks because they see it as easier to manage but don?t realize the work involved when first setting up not to mention the costs. It can easily be in the ?000s. Big tanks that are mature tend to be easier to em because the ecosystem has stabilized but to me when first setting up it can be a little daunting and time consuming.

I believe in not biting off more than you can chew.

I have a small nano and my wife loves the hobby even more than I do at times. But we both agreed we will only get a bigger tank when we have the $ and time aka when our kids get bigger.

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Life gets in the way...

I don't think it's necessarily the success their having, or the lack of it I should say. But sometimes this hobby consumes alot more time then people can afford. Even hobbyists that are very successful and good at this....after a new kid or a career change, might find an hour or two a week for maintenance tough.

I'm in the process of setting up a 125 gallon fowlr...luckily my family supports my hobby and finds enjoyment in it. Sometimes they actually help out with the new build and do some small maintenance too.


Experienced Reefer
North jersey
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I get it. I have a 125 tank also. The price I paid for the tank/stand and canopy is nothing compared to the other parts. Its just tough to see so many tear-downs. My tank has only been up like 9 months, so Im relatively new. And I can't help but to buy something new when Im in a pet store. Just waiting to get the tank to optimal conditions.

Also: with a tank this size, I find it hard to get frags of corals. They look so small.


Old School Reefer
Westchester, NY
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For me it was a number of things personal in nature and a number of things not so personal. Life sometimes gets in the way and sometimes in my case it hits you like a bus doing 75. Ultimately I couldn't care for my tank anymore financially or personally. If you like it keep with it but when it and all of its attachments become all consuming and out of control and you look at the tank and just wish it were gone that is the time to step away for the benefit of the lives in the tank that rely on you to live. For now I will stick with my kids (my son and daughter from my previous marriage and my brend new little girl) and the trains I have been collecting since I was a kid. If needed they can survive years in boxes in the attic and not die.


Got Reef?
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Agree with B. I was out for 7+ years and it was actually really nice to take a break and have not only more free time but also less stress and more money in my pocket. I think most never leave the hobby forever if they truly enjoy it but a break is sometimes needed. I am excited to be back in the hobby after a long time away. I see many new names her at MR and many of the old names MIA.


Advanced Reefer
Huntington LI
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I lived at my parents had a reef tank for 5 years. Then I was expecting my first and needed the space in the room. 4 years later I have a house and pulled my tank back out for the kids to enjoy. Funny after those 4 years I?m running 1/2 my old equipment and upgrading when I can. Tanks built so it will always be a part of my home even if down the line I decide to not do coral the tank will always be filled with something.


Old School Reefer
Westchester, NY
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I lived at my parents had a reef tank for 5 years. Then I was expecting my first and needed the space in the room. 4 years later I have a house and pulled my tank back out for the kids to enjoy. Funny after those 4 years I?m running 1/2 my old equipment and upgrading when I can. Tanks built so it will always be a part of my home even if down the line I decide to not do coral the tank will always be filled with something.
Very similar story but my marriage was ending not awaiting a baby. I got rid of everything. I am happy I did. Do I miss the beauty of the tank, absolutely. Do I miss the other work and expense, yeah. Do I think I am going to get another tank, almost definitely not.

Paul B

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For now I will stick with my kids (my son and daughter from my previous marriage and my brend new little girl) and the trains I have been collecting since I was a kid. If needed they can survive years in boxes in the attic and not die.

I still have my Lionel trains (in a box) from 1948 :rolleyes:

This hobby takes up just a little time and money for me because I only change water four or five times a year and I don't have all sorts of equipment like controllers, dosers, quarantine tanks, medications, UV sterilizers or test kits. My fish don't know anything about that stuff so they don't miss it.
Some of my fish are 27 years old. :biggrin:

You can put as much time and money into it as you like.

I also went through all that with a job, kids, and now Grand Kids. The tank has always been just fine.


Old School Reefer
Westchester, NY
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I still have my Lionel trains (in a box) from 1948 :rolleyes:

This hobby takes up just a little time and money for me because I only change water four or five times a year and I don't have all sorts of equipment like controllers, dosers, quarantine tanks, medications, UV sterilizers or test kits. My fish don't know anything about that stuff so they don't miss it.
Some of my fish are 27 years old.

You can put as much time and money into it as you like.

I also went through all that with a job, kids, and now Grand Kids. The tank has always been just fine.
I guess people like me just don't care about the hobby. Oh well.

Alfredo De La Fe

Senior Member
Upper West Side
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For me, I have always "stayed in" the hobby, but it can be really depressing when something happens and wipes out your tank. I had this happen to me twice. Then I ran into health issues which made it difficult to work as much as I used to. So now I have a tank that looks mostly empty. But hey, I still have my tank running! If it weren't for some truly incredible people here I wouldn't even have the fish and corals I do have.


Advanced Reefer
Garden city
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My 220 leaked flooded my basement hard to deal with that and 3 kids under 6 yr old both me and my wife work really doesn?t leave too much time for my interests but I?ll be back just gonna take my time with new build and definitely do it really simple and if I can?t do the plumbing really simple my lady build got outta hand with like 6 pumps going areas I couldn?t get the detritus cleaned ended up being high po4 issue couldn?t resolve

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Advanced Reefer
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Im moving in next few months so not interested in relocating tank. Rather breakdown and eventually when im settled in the new house ill have some time and money to get another tank. But then again with a 3 year old and hopefully another on the way it can get tough. I did setup a25g nano in the office so im not totally out.
Albertson NY
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We all need a break sooner or later. i took off 2 years before i opened shop. I basically never did a water change at home and just topped off and fed. I did not purchase anything or worry about the tank and it felt great. Once i got back in it was better like my love for it came back.


Advanced Reefer
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After keeping my small reef for 10 years I?m at the point I?m going to have to take a break , just redid the entire house after the tornado. just have a 75 gallon tank mix fish and corals getting very neglected unfortunately, no space now for the 95 wave tank ,I had just set up shortly before the tornado, will consider a smaller cube in the future

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