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Reefer Always Learning
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So I have 3 leaky true union ball valves from BRS. They've been in operation on a manifold for 18 months. I broke down the manifold itself (thank you unions), cleaned everything, (however I didn't soak any parts in vinegar) and then carefully hand tightened everything. Still leaking. From what I can tell they are leaking from the stem area just above and below the union nuts. (definitely not the stem itself) They do not leak at all when the ball valve is in the closed position. I also have 2 other ball valves that aren't leaking at all.

Do I need to replace the O Rings? They looked fine to the eye. Or is there another issue? Perhaps too much head pressure? Quick help would be appreciated. And the builder of said manifold left very little room to cut away the ball valve to replace with another, so if I do need new ball valves I have to build myself an entirely new union. Not ideal to say in the least...


Reefer Always Learning
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for anyone interested I tried everything. tried tightening like the video offered with the key provided. tried greasing the gaskets with silicone. tried new gaskets. only thing I can think of was when taken apart, I saw a small bit of pvc glue had snuck around gotten close to the gaskets but even after scraping away they still leaked.
just went ahead of installed 3 gate valves from BRS (cepex too I believe) and everything is working fine. gates for fine tuning. ball valves for on/off. for any plumbing newbs out there, learn from mistakes of others.


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Better to grease with vaseline. Sometimes the nuts for the union can be overtightened and it'll leak. Try to find the right spot.

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