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Okay, final got my report from the water company. The water source is a series of wells in and around town. Here are the results:

Barium 0.088ppm
Cadmium 2ppb
Chromium 3ppb
Copper 0.088ppm
Fluoride 0.73ppm
Lead 5ppb
Nitrate 3ppm

They also had listings for:
alpha emmitters 2.1pCi/1
total trihalomethanes 6.04ppb

The water company says these are good numbers. What do you think of them?

(I use a 3-stage Dolphin RO unit from AquaFX.)

Thanks for any comments.



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JohnD, those numbers aren't too bad,but they will probably be alot worse by the time the water gets to you. Unless they just installed all new piping to your house

Keep using the R/O unit.



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I read a reply the other day that really got me thinking about tap water. You\we say that x amount of copper or zinc, nitrates, phosphates or what ever, isn't bad. Then you stop and think that only PURE water evaporates form our tanks not the x amount of bad stuff. The more water we add the more x amount of bad stuff is added until those levels start to effect our systems. I never thought about it like that......silly me

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