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Do you cover your tank with a hood to seal the top to keep fish from jumping out, to muffle the noise, or some other reason? Or, do you leave it uncovered? If so, why?


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used to cover it.

no i don't cover. more light in, more evap for cooling and more oxygen exchange



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I have my reef tank covered with egg crate material cut to fit. Lets in more light, keeps the jumpers in.


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never thought of eggcrate. great idea!! great way to keep jumpers in but allow light, evap, and o2 exchange!! good suggestion



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my canopy looks pretty


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I don't make any special effort to cover, but then I have no jumpers, etc. My fish like being in my tank

somethings fishy

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I live in a fairly dusty house and have always wondered if the dust affects the reef and have thought of covering it what do you guys think


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should be able to get "eggcrate" at any hardware/homesupply store, menards, lowes, HD. it is the stuff they put under flouresnat lights to diffuse them a little. it is white...little squares.



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I cover my tank with 1/4" plexiglass. It's supposed to protect the tank from UV. There is some research to support this view, but many experienced people think UV is not worth worrying about. The cover, along with a 4" Radio Shack fan in the hood, keeps heat away from the water. I check oxygen levels every few months and it's always been fine. I have an airstone in my sump, which I originally put in to keep carbon dioxide levels down, but I think it also helps oxygenate the water. I rinse the salt spray off the cover once a week, which is a fast and easy job. I'm upgrading to a bigger tank this summer and I'm not sure if I'm going to use a cover this time. My reasons for continuing to use a cover would be to (a) protect my lamps (I use a 15W black light for moonlight, which does not have a waterproof socket.), (b) keep out heat from the lamps, and (c) prevent excessive evaporation (I already have plenty.). My only reason for not using a cover would be for easier access to the tank. This subject has been debated a lot on this board. You may want to do a search.


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where can i get some egg crate material and what is it -I don't think I've ever seen this stuff before.

Does it work better than glass?


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Well, I went ahead and tried to cover my tank for the night, so that I could cut down on noise and eliminate some evap, but when I woke up, (lights are off at night), I discovered that my temperature rose from 82 to 84. WITH NO LIGHTS! So, needless to say, I don't cover any longer.


Old Sea Dog
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I have lost enough fish through jumping to always have my tanks covered. I have a eggcrate and/or glass tops on all my tanks.

Some interesting pieces of information:
* clean glass only absorbs about 10% of the light passing through it, so loss of light should not be a concern.
* eggcrate may concentrate light directly under a MH lamp, but as you move out from the centre it will decrease transmission far more than glass.
* if you have a skimmer and an open sump, gas exchange should not be a problem with a tank covered with glass tops.
* glass tops will reduce evaporation, but a fan over the sump quickly cures that - and works as a chiller, too.
* if you keep shallow water corals, UV is not a bad thing as long as you don't have more UV radiation than present in nature. Also note that UV-A and near UV radiation penetrate to 40m in the ocean.


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I cover my tank for a few reasons. The first is to cut the evap. rate. I really dislike adding gallons of fresh water everyday. The second is to cut the noise level and third to keep the jumpers from...well....jumping. Heat will be a problem if you cover and have no chiller so keep an eye on that.


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I cover my tank for many reasons, but I feel that i am losing lots of light when I do. Even though it doesn't look any different.


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how high should the MH be off of the Egg crate - is there a chance of meltingthe egg crate with the heat off of the MH

Super Len

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I hate putting anything between the water and my lights. Any material will attenuate light. Instead, I seal the back of my canopy off with nylon screen mesh. This effectively prevents fish from jumping out, while maintaining the benefits of full evaporation and full light availibility.


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I don't use a cover because of the lighting and heat, but one draw back is more water lost to evaporation.


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