i am thinking about getting a 4x96 pc fixture for my 65 gallon...also was thinking about a pc combo 2x55 and a 175 MH...i dont want to have to get a chiller...do you think the pc/mc combo will cause enough heat to need one?
The 4x96watt powercompact setup should run warmer then the MH/PC combo. I'd opt for the MH/PC combo if you're tank is 36" or under (not familiar with 65g's dimensions)
Just converted from 2x96 PC to 2x95 VHO for the actinic supplement to 10k MH bulbs.. I can say with 100% certainly that the VHOs put out much less heat than the PCs... and IMHO the quality of the actinic light is much better (corals have much better color) - just a side benefit