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Is it good for anything at all? I had it as a sump, refugium, but replaced it with a 16 gallon rubbermaid container with greater surface area.

I cleaned it up, and was wondering if I should try and make a reef out of it.

Any suggestions? My 75 gallon reef has softies & LPS, so I wouldn't want a tank with those in it.

SPS tank, maybe? Is it a waste to do SPS in a 10 gallon?

Opinions are wanted...what would you do?





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If you dont have one already,a hospital tank would be good, I use a 10 gallon for one.


Jeff Hood

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Use it as a single species tank for such things as mantis shrimps or a clam tank. Put a 400 Watt 20000K light on it and put a clam in it. When it gets too big for your tank you can send it to me.



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Love the mantis shrimp idea and am considering it myself. You could drill an overflow in it, put it higher than your present sump and run the water from the main tank overflow to it and it to the sump eliminating the need for a heater, and giveing it a more stable water quality.



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I just set up a 10 gal in my kitchen this weekend, and have some live rock curing in it right now (along with some live sand). My plans are to put a hermit or two in there, maybe a shrimp and some snails, and keep it as a quarantine/hospital tank.


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I already have the hospital/quarrantine tank taken care of...I'm talking about a coral tank.

Would you even understake the expense? I guess what I'm asking is if the cost of say, outfitting my 110 gallon is a better idea than turning my 10 gallon into an SPS/clam tank.

Of course I'd rather have the 110, but it would be more money.

I guess I don't know what I'm asking...I'm just babbling...




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I am with rich-n-poor. I had a ten gallon set up as a prop tank and it worked well. Just live sand, rock and a powerhead along with PC's. Gives you a good place to put cuttings and in mine I had a shrimp/goby combo. They are cool to watch and the ten gallon brings them up close. I just recently changed to a thirty gallon for a little more room. (also a "spare")


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hey, my ONLY reef tank is a ten gallon for cost considerations, and while there isnt much in it yet, i plan to keep sps *eventually*, when i get a few years experience

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