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My current auto feeder just died. It was a battery operated hopper mechanism.

I travel - tons - and am forced to use one. I was wondering what types or brands people are using out there and if they are satisfied? Lastly, where to purchase.

Any suggestions would be great.


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I used a Nutra (something?) and then an Eheim. I got rid of both because they both just dropped food on top and it soon when over the overflow.
Is this a reef? If so, you can go for days without feeding.


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I am considering buying an auto feeder myself. I have a DSB, and I am a heavy feeder. I have tons and tons of bristleworms in my reef, and I want it to stay that way. Also, I have a large squarespot anthias, who requires alot of food. I would like to have an auto feeder set for a once a day feeding of a quality dry food, just in case I don't get to feed the tank some time. Also, I would like to be able to go out of town w/o trusting someone else to feed.


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Im considering getting one myself for over x-mas break, FWIW Ive heard nothing but great things about the Ehiem auto-feeder whereas Ive heard pros and cons for most others, I plan on using the Eheim with some Formula 1 flake.



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To prevent flakes flows into overflow, there is a easy modification you can do. As long as you can provide a confinement on the water surface to keep the flakes in, the flakes can only drift if it sinks below the confinement.

Substitute for the confinement can be the surface worm feeder, less the feeding cone. It provides a circular ring to quarantine the flakes until it sinks.


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IME the Hagen Jumbo Nutramatic is a great autofeeder. Lifespan greater than a year (had 2 last 3 years and counting), keeps out moisture, jumbo hopper better for pellet than flake and hold nearly 2 months worth for me, feeds up to twice a day, you control the amount dropped in. About $35 from http://www.petwhse.com


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I only feed with a feeder. I set up a baffel around my pump intake in the sump. When the food hits the tank upstairs, it is already "wetted" and looks like a fine mist in the water. I have also used a continment method like danmhippo suggested. If you feed into a pvc pipe that is just slightly in the water, the food will have to sink to get out. Then it won't all go out the overflow.
In my case, I have a refugium and 4 growout tanks in the basement all connected to a 135 gal upstairs. I don't feed the tank, I feed the whole system, so I want some to go out the overflows. I am making my own food and trying to simulate planktonic feeding. I want the food to move in the water column so everything has a chance to feed. I feed twice a day. I have fish, LPS, SPS and soft corals. I set it up this way as I travel a lot, and after trying it, decided to use the feeder all of the time. I am currently useing an Eheim and think it works very well.


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I use Rainbow Lifeguard's auto feeder to drop sinking pellets into my sump near the pump intake. Can be set to feed from 1 to 4 times per day, plugs into household electricity, and is fairly small. No problems with it over the last two years. Bought it at That Fish Place, but I'm sure it's available at most LFSs.

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