I have set up a 7 gallon Bow-front nano for my wife. She does not know a thing about reefing, but I thought I would keep an eye on her, and if anything looked bad I could transfer livestock into my 400 Gal system. Well, if her tank can do as awesome as it does, with as little attention as it get's, well...
I will give you a brief description of the set-up. 7 gallon AGA bow-front, CustomSeaLife 15232 fixture (15" ABS fixture with (2)32 watt PC bulbs - one 6,500K and one Actinic with a fan), 50w submersible heater, and a minijet powerhead. That's it!
For Livestock, I started with 2" Southdown and 1 to 1.5" live sand. I then placed about 15# of fully cured live rock in. Critters - 2 scarlet hermits, 2 blue leg, 1 peppermint shrimp, 1 turbo snail, 7 nassarius(sp?) snails, 1 bristle star, and put in about 20 mini-stars(for detrius).
Corals & Stuff - Green Star Polyps, Many other types of polyps & mushrooms, a small hammer coral, & misc other small frags.
Maintainence - 1 gallon water change every week or two (preferably 1/week), add ESV B-ionic calcium supplement daily, scrape corraline off glass, test water parameters monthly (would suggest daily until the thing is stable in 2-3 months). After the tank is stable, you will know by watching the livestock how the tank is doing. She feeds frozen brine shrimp once a week and about 4 shrimp pellets daily.
I think the key is using a quality RO/DI water and keep up with the water changes. We have not added fish yet, but would need an airstone if we did (not sure about a skimmer).
I will send you a photo if you like, this thing is incredible! I spend 15 minutes a day watching this thing as I am so amazed at the progress as it matures.