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david snyder

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My calcium level refuses to go over 300 ppm using Seachem Reef Complete. I tried aragamilk from CaribSea but also with same results. Anyone have first hand experience with B-Ionic?

29 gallon reef set up 1.5 years
very heavy coraline covering all rocks nearly 80% - 100% of surfaces exposed to light.
softies, leather frogspawn (sp) misc other corals
CariSea arag substrate 3"
Fresh Red Sea test kit and corroboration from LFS on calcium readings
78 degrees regulated water temp.
lighting 32 watt PC 9 hours a day on timer
water changes like clock work
Eclipse system makes kalk a difficult option
no sump or skimmer

Thanks for any input


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No suprise that Aragamilk didn't help. B-Ionic should do the trick. Just follow the directions on the bottle. Worked for me when I used it. :)



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This is three months of growth on my Montipora Digitata, thanks to B-Ionic :


'Nuff said! :D




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Go with B-ionic. Aragmite (of any other similar product) are exactly what their name stands for, powdered aragonite. If you dissolve them in low PH solution, they will slowly dissove and release calcium and carbonate. However simply dumping them into the tank where average PH is around 8.2 is not going to do crap.

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