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I finally broke down and purcahsed a new DRILLED tank. It is a 58 Gallon Oceanic. 36x18x21. I just ordered the stand and tank.

For lighting I am probably going to go with a 400Watt MH and 2 96 Watt Actinics. (If too blue the maybe 2 65 watts). I will be building my own hood to house these lights and many fans for cooling the water.

I need a sump, pumps, skimmer and what ever else might be needed. I am going to be ordering this stuff shortly so I can have everything ready when the tank arrives in 2-3 weeks.

I will be moving all of the livestock from my 46 Bow. Mostly softies and a few LPS.

I would like to eventually get some sps and clams but that is down the road a little.

Any recommendation would be greatly appreciated.

recession causes


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I finally finally broke down and with with an Ecosystem type setup (less the miracle mud) on my 90 with softies and LPS and it is doing awesome. I have only had it setup for a little over 4 months now, but I am very impressed after comparing it to the results of my 55 with skimmer. It's still to early to know for sure, but it is definately off to one great start...


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I love the 400w iwasaki's. I tried the german's and wasn't impressed with coral growth. I have a 120 that is wall to wall sps. I have frag every couple of months because of growth rates. I back up my mh's with 2 110w vho's and 2 compacts. I only use one actinic bulb for the 110, the rest is daylight.

You probable won't need a reactor til you get alot of stoney's. I think I'd get a quality skimmer. Skimmer choice is a matter of opinion. I have bought five skimmers in ten years. The first three were a waste of money. My fourth one was a 48" mtc c.c. venturi. It worked fine for about 4 years. I got bored and wanted to try a custom made 48" precision marine. Presently the skimmer is kick ass, I actually don't have it working to capacity. It needs a 70rlt or bigger running it and I have a mag 24. Down the road when I go to a 500gal set-up I plan on using the last two skimmers I have.



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Any recommendations the sump. I know I could use a rubbermaid but I am nervous about that.

SO What make/model will be good for a 58?
Skimmer: Aqua-C, CPR, Euro-Reef or Precision?
What is the max flow rate for the Oceanic? Pump size? Iwaki?
Plumbing parts needed? Hard PVC or Soft flexible tubing?

Probably will add a seaswirl for the return.

This is my first "reef ready" (Drilled tank) so this is "Undiscoved Country" for me.
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For a skimmer i would recommend a euroreef cs6-1. I have a cpr backpak and a remora that i used on my old 55gal and the new 75gal. For some reason my remora stopped working like it should. The problem i think is that i had the old model where it became difficult to clean the impeller. The new ones have a screw that would allow you you to clean it easily. But still my vote goes for the euroreef.

I believe the flow rate would be 500-600 gph on the overflow, that is if its a 1" drain.

First you have to decide whether you want an external pump or not. I have a AM 3000 on my 75gal. It's throtled back. Use flex pvc as much as you can, but hard pvc is fine as well.

You can split your return so that you can feed the seaswirl. I have the 3/4 model and love it.



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I don't necessarily think he needs a chiller, just a good way of dissipating the heat. With proper ventilation and adequate room temperature, he will be fine. Although if you get 2 400watt halides and the acinics, i don't know about that. But one should be ok. I have dual 250's and 190watts acinic on my 75gal. The temp stays ok so long as i keep the room cool. The fans help out alot.

Thinking about it now, it's a 58gal. Tha makes it harder to keep cool. I would think about getting something in the 250watt range. JMO


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The lighting wouldbe 1 400W MH. Lots of fans in the hood.

Do you think 2 96 Watt PC's will be too blue? I like the glowing look of the corals.

I was thinking of going with all external pumps to aid in keeping the heat down.

Any use a lifereef sump or a CPR sump? Any good?

AquaC EV-120? I like the idea of being able to add an additional waste collector tank.
ultra sonja


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I second the nod to a Euro-Reef skimmer. I have one and it is great. As far as your concerns about a Rubbermaid-type sump, I have two sumps interconnected. I just hooked all of this up a couple of weeks ago and it works fine. I had a particular space problem so I am not recommending you use two sumps, but I have noted a difference in"bowing out" of the walls of the two sumps I have. The clear Rubbermaids tend to be a little pliable --again, I have not had a problem--just letting you know. One of my sumps is really great. It is made by Home Plus and called a "Translucent Storage Tote with wheels" Model # 2072, 72 qt. capacity. Very stiff --no bowing out to water pressure at all. It is only 2 ft long so it may be small for you as a lone sump, but perhaps you can hunt around the web and see if there are other models. I bought mine at Bed & Bath.


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Duh, forgot to mention --you can easily take the wheels off of that container I mentioned so that it sits flat on your cabinet floor.

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