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Anyone have an effective method of controlling mushroom populations? Biological, chemical, or mechanical?


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I've read a coupl eof things about using kalk paste, similar to the aptasia treatment. Basically it involve pruning them and them applying the kalk to their stumps. I am going to have to try it since my shrooms are getting way out of hand.


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Increase your NO3 to 80ppm, you will definetly see a halt on their growth rate.

(kalk paste will sure work otherwise.)


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Inject with boiling kalk or hydrogen peroxide. Someone also told me you can inject with white vinegar.

If that doesn't work, take the rock out and scrub it off! :twisted:


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Let's see.......hmmmmmmmm
I got it.....
Send them to me.Bag em up and send them 2 day priority.shipping wont be that much and I will pay the shipping.My wife just loves shrooms and wants me to put an all shroom tank together,just don't have enough shrooms myself to do it.

[email protected][/b]


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Kalk paste works for alot of things, last night I used it on some zooanthids, a orange M. Digitata that was growing to close to my Porites and of course finally got around to my aptasia. In any case I think it works best for shrooms when you first scissor off the cap then kalk paste the stump.


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SPC":7i628kwg said:
I place a blob of kalk paste in their center, so far 100% effective :) .

How long you been doing that? Mine just smile back at me when I try that. I've only had success with kalk on metallic green hairy shrooms.

I find it makes the red, blue & orange smooth shrooms reproduce like mad when I attempt to kill them like that.


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But seriously,I would really like to have them for the new tank.I WILL PAY THE SHIPPING . Dont KILL'EM. C'mon guys,help me out here.



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reefland":211k5w6r said:
SPC":211k5w6r said:
I place a blob of kalk paste in their center, so far 100% effective :) .

How long you been doing that? Mine just smile back at me when I try that. I've only had success with kalk on metallic green hairy shrooms.

I find it makes the red, blue & orange smooth shrooms reproduce like mad when I attempt to kill them like that.

Rich, try lethal injection next time.


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Posted by Rich:
How long you been doing that?

-I guess I started about 6 months ago. The consistency of the kalk is like tooth paste. I don't cut the cap off the mushroom but rather use it as a nice holding platform for the paste. I have seen no spreading and in fact it only takes one application for the mushroom to disappere. Now this is for the mushrooms that are in the vertical position only, those that are horrizonal I have to razor blade off and hope they don't come back.


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Posted by Rich:
Do you siphon off the remains of the coral?

-No, but I would probably recommend it to others :lol: . I only kill a couple at a time, then wait a week or so. With 180 + a 75 sump I figure I have a little cushion.


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Email me .... I'll send you whatever I can detach. Problem is, I need to kill 80% of my mushrooms because they're attached to places I don't want them to be. If I could remove them and sell/trade/give them, I would. But I can't, and need to find some way of ridding them.

I've tried kalk paste and hot kalk injection (with syringe). It doesn't work very well in my tanks. Plus, I have WAY too many to individuall kill off.

NKT gave me the suggestion of using biological control via more potent corals (why didn't I think of that?). I'm going to use small favites or platygra to see how well they work, and if not, I can also resort to Euphyllias (hammers, etc.). It'll take some time, but it should work.


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Didn't bReefcase post something about using a lye solution to kill them? I think it's in the FAQ. He introduced it as a method for controlling aiptasia, but said it would work on 'shrooms too.
I have some green shrooms that are waging war with one of my Acros (and the srooms are winning). I need to eradicate the shrooms in that spot. But I'm wondering if the lye method would hurt my Acro.... any thoughts?


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NKT gave me the suggestion of using biological control via more potent corals (why didn't I think of that?). I'm going to use small favites or platygra to see how well they work, and if not, I can also resort to Euphyllias (hammers, etc.). It'll take some time, but it should work.

If you are going to use Euphyllias, don't bother trying Frogspawns. I thought of trying this, so I placed a massive frogspawn next to my biggest concentration of mushrooms, to "beat back" it's progress. One and a half months later, the frogspawn is still in the exact same place, completely surrounded by mushrooms. I don't think a single one has receded.

I wish you better luck with your favites and Euphyllia. Mushrooms are nice, but they could be a real pain.[/quote]


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Leonard":3ths3rlq said:
NKT gave me the suggestion of using biological control via more potent corals (why didn't I think of that?). I'm going to use small favites or platygra to see how well they work, and if not, I can also resort to Euphyllias (hammers, etc.). It'll take some time, but it should work.

I'd say a well placed and pissed off galaxia sp. would do wonders.


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Hmm..I'd get a sharp pair of sissors and a 46 gal steralite from walmart some rock rubble from Premium aquatics to seed 4 bags of SD put it near a window and start tossing them in it to give/trade away to help build your own and others diversity
for fun also

oh and move as much of the rock/rocks possible already coverd to your special mushroom prop system

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