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Hi All,

A quick question about RO/DI, since it appears I am going to have to do that or schlep it from the supermarket vending machines.

I am currently in an apartment, w/29g reef.
My top off water needs are about 1/2 -3/4g per day.
When we finally get ahouse, I think I can splurge several hundred $$ for a nicer unit considering the average house runs 350k+ in the Bay Area.

For now, I am hopefully looking for some sort of inexpensive RO or DI unit that I could periodically put in my shower to make water while at work. I was going to say that size is important, however it may not be as much as both initial price, and recurring costs.

I have the newest Fosters catalog, and see their TWF ($30, $15 cart). I also know that there is a great sale going on at AquaFX this month, with final cost for their TWF (~$55, $20 cart). However AquaFX doesn't indicate the expectable gross output range as the Foster's advert does.

Any comments on which is going to cost less over the long run, assuming they are of about equal quality output?

Or, should I also be looking at the Kent Bare Bones 10GPD RO unit as well?

And, just how much time/work is involved in cleaning them if necessary, since I am only going to be using them weekly ( bottle the excess of each run for top off use, can I do that?)?

As I understand it from our water district's literature, they are pretty on top of all the contaiminates like crypto and trimethelhalones(sp), so I have probably deluded myself that I am pretty safe perhaps running RO only?

I appreciate everyone forebearance with my as of late incessant posts :wink:

Oh yeah, anyone in the Bay Area want to do some frag swapping, I got me a ton of Kenyen tree frags I need to trade or sell to support this addiction....


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Just a question (a rather important one given the circumstances.)
When you move into the new house, are you going to get a bigger tank? Seriously consider your answer before you buy an RO/DI.

IF you upgrade to a 40 or a 55, a 10 GPD unit will take at least 4 days to fill it. (If you only run it when you're home it will take a LOT longer) you might want to buy a higer rated filter.

I have an AquaFX 4 stage, and I am very happy with it. It's 100 GPD, but it doesn't put out that much water. I have low water pressure, so it takes about 45 minutes for a 5 gallon bucket to fill.

Some people have also ordered from this guy.
I think it's a garage business, and he doesn't retail in stores, so you don't have to pay the middleman his cut.



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I have the Typhoon model from air, water and ice. I have been using this item for a year now and am quite happy with it. I can not say if it is better or worse than another particular unit due to this is my first and only RO/DI unit. But the service at air, water and ice is great.


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Thanks. Yes, we are definately going to upgrade to a bigger tank, probably at least 100g. But, if I am going to be paying $350,000 (wow, I'm getting dizzy) for a house, I think I can eBay what I would be using now, and but a more permanent 4-5 stage unit at that time.
I see why some people go for the high GPD units now, aside from eventually getting a bigger tank, they also just get their water quicker.


Bingo":304map7p said:
Just a question (a rather important one given the circumstances.)
When you move into the new house, are you going to get a bigger tank? Seriously consider your answer before you buy an RO/DI.

IF you upgrade to a 40 or a 55, a 10 GPD unit will take at least 4 days to fill it. (If you only run it when you're home it will take a LOT longer) you might want to buy a higer rated filter.



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koehler.. welcome to the bay area housing market..
only thing I'll say about an RO/DI is.. I've never heard anyone say " it puts out too much water" ..If you look on Ebay you may able to find a 75 GAL/day unit for around $200..( including drinking water kit)
I'm on my 4th house in the Bay area.. I'm also on my 4th ro unit and 2nd DI
we're reefers.. water quality is everything!!

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