B butesch Reefer Rating - 0% 0 0 0 Apr 28, 2003 #1 Anyone know what these stringy brown threads are hanging from my sargassum. It had spread to some of the rocks and some on the sand. What it is? Is the sargassum going crazy on me? Let me know if you do. Attachments brown threads.jpg 157.6 KB · Views: 407
Anyone know what these stringy brown threads are hanging from my sargassum. It had spread to some of the rocks and some on the sand. What it is? Is the sargassum going crazy on me? Let me know if you do.
C ChrisIsBored Experienced Reefer Rating - 0% 0 0 0 Apr 29, 2003 #2 Looks like the early stages of cyano. Any redness on the sandbed yet? Either way you probably have an imbalance of excess nutrients. A little macro algae in the tank or fuge could help with that. :wink:
Looks like the early stages of cyano. Any redness on the sandbed yet? Either way you probably have an imbalance of excess nutrients. A little macro algae in the tank or fuge could help with that. :wink: