As far as coral placement goes everything is refered to as low med or high flow but what exactly does this mean? Is low flow having the corals tenticals not moving at all and high flow next to a PH? I just got a new frogspawn (trying to post pics of it but so far I never been able to post on this forum any help would be great!) and I know it needs low to med flow but I am not sure how to judge if it is getting to much. I have my PHs on a wavemaker and sometimes the tenticals are just barely moveing other times they sway a bit more but then sometimes they get pushed around so much that I can see between them down into the skeleton. Since they are on a wavemaker it constatly goes from any of these movements. (PHs are set to 30 intervals) I just need to know if this sounds like more flow then is needed and what I should shoot for as far as how the tenticals should move in low to med flow? I have only had it since 3 pm today and after putting in the tank it opened up after less then an hour and has only been under my actinics so far (2x65). Thanks for any help
Here are some pics if they help.
Here are some pics if they help.