I ordered a RO/DI unit that I plan to hookup this weekend, however, I needed some top off water to hold me over until I get it connected. There are two places in Salem NH that sell water. One of them was having problems with their unit and didn't have any. The other one (for those of you in NH it's the one on S. Broadway), is known for not changing filters regularly. I took my TDS meter (I ordered it with the RO/DI) with me and tested the water before I bought it. The reading was 279. Needless to say I didn't buy any water.
Anyway, to make a long story longer, even if you buy water,you should test it, or have the LFS show you the readings. I have had water from the above mentioned store cause nasty algae blooms in my tank because I didn't question the purity of what I was buying.
Anyway, to make a long story longer, even if you buy water,you should test it, or have the LFS show you the readings. I have had water from the above mentioned store cause nasty algae blooms in my tank because I didn't question the purity of what I was buying.