I read somewhere to use lemon juice in a syringe. So I went to the pharmacy, and after the odd looks of why I wanted a syringe and explaining it to them, they just nodded stupidly and handed it to me, for a whoping 49 cents. I then used the concentrated lemon juice stuff for cooking, and held a air tube plugged up as a siphon in the water next to the tube. My wife controlled the siphon flow, and I would insert the needle and inject.
If you get it INTO the tube of the aptasia, its dead, end of story. The siphon lets you suck out the floating juice (will be white/cloudy, easy to see), so that it doesn't effect anything. We are talking such small amounts, it has no impact on pH.
Only problem is as the above said, they are quick to retract, so if you miss your first stab with the needle, wait until the next day.
One other trick, I sometimes give my tank some frozen mysis shrimp. I noticed one had managed to grab ahold of one of teh shrimp bits, and was really fat trying to absorb it. It was MUCh slower, and much larger target. If I get another that I have trouble stabbing, I'm going to try feeding it first. Sort of a last meal on death row I guess.