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My continuing work on getting a new 90 gallon setup continues. I still await my light fixture (which has shipped, but now that it has I wish I had selected two day shipping which I usually do rather than ground :? ).

While I am waiting, however, I have the setup running. It seems that I am having to add about a gallon of water a day to make up for evaporation. Since that is with no light, I am anticipating the rate to go up once I have two 250 watt MH lights above the tank (again :? ). Is that a fairly normal rate of evaporation? Or are there so many moving parts that normal rate of evaporation doesn't have much meaning... My current 36 gallon setup has much, much less water flow and normal output florescent bulbs, and so it doesn't have too much evaporation. Thus I have no context.

The setup is a 90 gallon display with a 29 gallon sump (I would guess it contains about fifteen gallons of water on average). Thus total volume of water is in the 105-110 gallon range. My pump is a Mag 24 selected to provide around 20x turnover for the volume of the system. Protein skimmer is an AquacEV. Both of these are overengineered a bit, but the mag 24 is actually what All Glass recommends with their 90 gallon setup for a reef system. My LFS thinks that is totally crazy, but hey. Air conditioner in the room is set to 80 degrees through the day, and gets there most days (as I live in South Florida). I do work for the power company, so at least my high electric bill might fund some miniscule part of my salary. 8)

My next investment may be an RO/DI system.


Advanced Reefer
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I have to top-up about 1.5 gallon a day on my 75g with 2x175w mh,,, mind you, I have a 6 inch fan blowing across the surface too.


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I have the same experience as Juck with my 75.

Yours sounds like normal evaporation and it will increase once you add lights and fans.



Experienced Reefer
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My two systems are ~150 and ~250 gallons and with VHO's on my sumps and 400W metal helides on the tanks, (with a temp of ~25-26 C) I was replacing close to 6 and 8 gallons per day respectively. Note: My systems are in a green house with high humidity. So my solution was to get the AC working and install float switches. The float switches have been working well for over 4-5 months now. I have them connected to a 90+gallon DI sump that I fill up about every week or so.

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