I saw the most fascinating behavior from my C.rhomboidalis fairy wrasse today. During feeding, it snatched a food that was clearly too big for it to swallow. The wrasse attempted to swallow the food four times (spitting it out each time it couldn't force it down his throat) before turning to a new and fascinating tactic. It then decided to spit the food out and grab it by the tip of its mouth. Having grasped the food, it then proceed to scrape the piece of food on the surface of exposed rough rock to break up the food. If a small piece broke off, the wrasse would quickly drop the big chunk, dash to eat the smaller chunk, then quickly recapture the larger piece to reengage in this behavior. It did this for about five minutes until all the food was small enough to ingest.
I was absolutely fascinated. Man, it is so much nicer to chat reefs when you have a running tank
I was absolutely fascinated. Man, it is so much nicer to chat reefs when you have a running tank