Royal Gamma's are good. Mine always rub themselves on rocks and sand, and they swim vertically sometimes which is cool.
Neon Gobies are kool. They swim, lay on corals, in clams, hang upside down, look good under lights.
Mandarin Goby is kool. Maybe you should think about something that doesn't occupy the same space as the other fish. LIke a rock or sand dweller. You can get a sandsifting goby which are helluva fun to watch. Or you can get a rock perching one. Red Hawkfish are kool on the rock but they might go after your shrimp if they are not well fed.
Check out wrasse's yea.
60 gal isn't that big for all these fish. You probably should avoid something large like a tang. Or find a really small one. And they do tend to swim aggressively, prone to Ich, etc. It's such a small tank he would be swimming around and making everybody swim to get out of his way. IT's funny how it works. It in effect would create an atmosphere of tension I think for everybody. Which is not good for survival. Fish that normally are ok might become a little nippy. I notice that in my tank even when I add stuff like tiny neon gobies. It's kinda gettting to that point where fish are running into each other. Fish like a little personal space like people sometimes.