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My small black tang is adorable. He always tries to hang out with the small joculator angel even though the angel really doesn't want to buddy up with the tang :P Tonight, the tang kept trying to sleep in the same cave the angel usually occupies, but the angel kept pushing him out. After about a dozen tries, the tang gave up and returned to his usual spot. :)

Anyone else have fish that buddy up with other organisms? Mated pairs and symbiotic relationships don't count ;)


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I have a yellow tang that has a sensational desire for a courtship with a carpet anemone – he buries his mouth in the anemone each week ! Its funny to watch him stick and try to get away, but he never learns – poor tang has brown lips ! does that count as a friend?


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My Sailfin Tang loves to swim around with my Pyramid Butterfly and my Potter's Angel loves to swim around with my two Ocellaris Clowns when they're away from their anemone. I'm glad to hear that your angel's feeling better Len.


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My flameangel has a myspace account and corresponds with a lemon shark in florida and a sperm whale in the galapagos. They used to be friends with a squid in Japan but I think the sperm whale ate him. Oh well...


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Anyone ever notice that tangs are very similar to dogs? They are very jealous. My tang wont let anyone in the tank get any attention. If he sees any comotion hes on it. Very nosy and jealous. Like my male dog (Chance). If he sees anyone paying attention to my female dog he practially knocks you over trying to get your attention on him. Very tang like. :lol:


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My blue tangs hang with my yellow tang. That's it though.


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I have a lone orange skunk clown who thinks he is a banggai cardinal, he hangs out with the cardinal pair all day.

His lady friend jumped out of the tank and we can't seem to get another orange skunk locally, so he will have to think he is a cardinal for the time being until I can get another.


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i adopted my mom's maroon clown the other day, and now after feeding time, the maroon, the blue-eye tang, and bengai just hang out under the return pump as if they were visiting after a good meal. :D Pretty cool to me.


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My blue hippo follows around my yellow tang like a little puppy dog. The yellow doesn't seem thrilled by it, but tolerates it.

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