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Returned from holiday to find my MH light had remained on all week! Tempreture was through the roof. Amazingly lots survived but my BTA had retracted into a cave. The next day I found it completely dead in a corner of the tank. However, the following day a smaller BTA emerged from the cave and is now doing well. This smaller one is very very pale green, practically white.

I'm new to reefs but my guess is the stress made the BTA devide, the original half died and the new cloan survived but is badly "bleached". Is this a feasible scenario, do BTAs get bleached? If so, will he remain bleached forever / is there anything I can do to help him?


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anemones dont get "bleached" if they lose their color its becuase they expel the Zooxanthellae algae that lives in symbios w/ it, which gives it its color, but it could just be stressed, let it recover and feed it regularly, if it expeled it all or its all dead it will remain pale, you can maybe keep it alive by feeding....


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Correct the temp and lighting schedule, try feeding some prawns or silversides, and wait it out.

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