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my christmas tree coral isn't doing so hot after the move... i had to move the tank across the room and either it wasn't very happy about the move, or the position in the tank isn't what it should be...

either way, i am very worried about the way it looks... this is one of my favorite corals and i have had this one for almost two years.

here are the before and after shots, granted the before shot was taken awhile ago (almost a year to date), but the now shot was taken literally right now. this is the most open i have seen it in since the move. (five weeks now...)

--and forgive the dirty glass, cleaning day is three days away....

i have been feeding it everyday when it's open, if not everyother day when it's open. (either micro-vert, or Marine snow)

what are the thoughts, is it placement or food? i know that this species does not use the "sun" for growth....

--water parameters have not changed a bit in the three years i have owned this tank.....


  • DSC05929web.jpg
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  • Christmas-Tree-Coral.jpg
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Old Man Of The Sea

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As long as you have the same water and all, you need to give it time and continue to maintain as you did before the move as well it be best that if you place your hands in this tank as less as possible.


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Oh dear, that thing really is on the outs!

This is one time you can really see a soft coral dying, do you see how it is disintigrating on the tips?

I don't know what it bothering it, but I would take a container of tank water and swish the coral vigorously in it until any loose chunks are gone. Throw this water away. Then place this coral in another part of your tank, clearly it isn't happy where it is, where it can get some really good flow.

Is there an anemone or soemthing like that close to it that may be stinging it?

Old Man Of The Sea

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One thing I not had asked and that is, how long ago did you move this tank? For if its been a number of weeks and you kept most the tanks water, it should had made its recovery by now. Also see if any damage were done to the coral and if a tear or so, you will need to do a little surgery for it too regain its health.


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Hang it upside down where it gets direct flow of phyto. That's how they grow in nature, and that's what it likes. In the past, once they start to decline they don't come back. Yours might be a gonner.

another species best left in the wild.



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i will move it first thing sat morning. there was a kenya tree kind'a close to it... there is the possability it did reach allllll the way out and sting it. do i need to get at it while it's open? or can i put it in water and swish the coral vigorously while it's closed?

i need a bigger tank......

hang it upside down? really?

how close to a metal halide can it get?


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the farther away the better. I should have said "hang it upside down in a cave"


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