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where can i buy frags of rainbow acans????? Maybe some colorful lords.... ive looked around on our sponsors but no one has what I'm looking for. Jendub does but WOWOWOW expensive..




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reefscience always has them at decent prices for colonys but its hard to see there true color since they are pictured under 20K's


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I have been eyeballing some of their corals for a while too. But like was stated in the other thread of yours, I just can't get past the 40-60 for shipping that most places charge so I will just wait and find something local.


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the only way i can justify it is if i bought 2 or 3 corals, and the shipping was still about the same. btw... they charge an ADDITIONAL $10 box fee, therefore, I'll not be buying from them. $60 shipping? Ridiculious.. I could ship MYSELF there for less than that.



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You're right. If a coral is not a good deal in your opinion, you definitely shouldn't buy it! :D

That's why their prices (25 bucks, not 80) are low. Shipping jacks you up. Now go to your local fish club, gather up 10 folks that want to buy things from the same place, and each of you pay for the piece you want and your part in the shipping. You've got yourself that same piece for 30 bucks instead of 80.

Or just buy locally for $50-$200 (depending on how much you like it
:wink: ) for a full colony.

Again, a good deal is a matter of how much you like it and what you're willing to pay for it.

P.S. My thumbnails are exactly 5/16" long. :wink:


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Most places have to bump up their shipping rates to compensate for the percentage of packages that get lost by UPS, FedEx, etc.


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I don't see it.

Make it worth while for people to buy from you and all of a sudden you're making enough $$ to cover anything like that you might encounter.

Its like gas stations charging 25 cents more just becase everyone else does. If they would just drop the extra charge everyone would buy their gas, and they'd make more$$ than they otherwise would have.

Just irritated.. VERY difficult to find nice corals here in alabama.. and when you do find them they are insanely expensive.

I asked about a microm. with in a LFS the other day (Red with green centers) about half the size of your fist... $160!!!

I left with 6 zoo polyps for $30 soon there after.



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You try shipping $400 corals, and have 10% lost with no way of getting any return on them. IT's a tough biz.


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I know, its frustrating for the consumer and the company.

I wonder what prices will do over the next 10 years? go up because of decaying reefs? these things are only worth what ppl are willing to pay. A shop can have a million $ worth of corals in stock, but if no one is willing to pay their prices they aren't worth anything. I mean a guy can go broke with all the livestock in the world unless someone buys it.



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I just went to fedex and got a cost for a 5lb package measuring 12x12x12 shipping from CT to CA.

$74.80 for 10:30 service
$71.42 for end of business day service

5lbs for a package with three corals in it is a very conservative estimate.

I really don't see how anyone is gouging asking for $60 to ship. It can easily be much more than that.

Does everyone think that fuel prices went up only for passenger vehicle drivers? Jet fuel, delivery truck fuel, no change in price? They're still paying $1.59 per gallon?


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SnowManSnow":2pmtfcau said:
I don't see it.

Its like gas stations charging 25 cents more just becase everyone else does. If they would just drop the extra charge everyone would buy their gas, and they'd make more$$ than they otherwise would have.


Everyone needs gas. There are alo probably THOUSANDS of potential customers driving by the gas station DAILY with hundreds, if not a thousand people, actually stopping to make a purchase each and every day.

The analogy is not fair to an online store. No one actually needs the items they're selling and there certainly isn't thousands of potential customers perusing daily nor are there hundreds making a purchase daily either. In an online coral store it's not just a simple matter of lower the price and make up for it in volume.

As an aside, I think you'd find gas stations make very little money off the actual gas and instead rely heavily on the incidental purchases made inside the store of things like drinks and snacks to actually earn a living.

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