You know, this is probably gonna sound gross, but it looks just like when you've just rinsed the shampoo from your hair. So, I can't help but wonder if it's a combination of dust and grime that collects on the interior of your mixing container and maybe, just maybe, is sloughed off skin cells and the like that collect at the surface with that little bit of "skimming" that occurs with the addition of copious bubbles.
Just a thought.
Way back when, way back when I.O. was a more consistent product, way back when I kept my own saltwater systems, way back when I had my bidness, I used to get a lot of precipitate from Instant Ocean, specifically. The water in the area where I was is VERY hard, very high alkalinity, because it's all percolated through nothing but limestone. Just add sand and gravel and you've got concrete!
The difference in specific gravity may speak as much to the condition of the source water as anything else. Relative humidity is an issue, too. (Consider what serious bakers go through in order to recreate an exact dough recipe, for instance.) Consider weighing the salt instead of volumetric measurements.