If 6 people can stand in the spot, the floor is strong enough. Imagine 5 people squeezing onto a love seat couch, should be similar, but people don't worry about placing a sofa. As for the floor sagging over time, you should find the floor studs and spread the weight out equally. The stand is also critical in distributing weight, a wood stand is great at spreading the pressure per square inch. So in layman terms, your tank at almost 1000 lbs, placed over 6 square feet of area 4x1.5= 166 pounds per square foot, or 6 people standing in the area. Total weight is not a problem. If you custom build a wood stand that was simply 1 foot wider, that's1000/7.5= 133 lbs/sq ft. Now lets say you wanted to add 3 inches of space to the front or back of the tank, and it was 5 x 2=10 sq ft, now you spread the weight to just 100 lbs/sq ft. Get the drift? Think of a pyramid.