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Hey guys,

This is more of an experience thread. Or a HAVE YOU EXPERIENCED thread.

I swapped out filter sock after 1 month to go with an IM caddy to run filter floss and chemipure blue for carbon and gac. Unfortunately, about 2-3 weeks later the tank looks like it was experiencing bacterial blooms or sandstorm from powerhead being too strong causing dust in the water column.

Today, decided to do a water change and test if it a filter sock had better luck clearing out the small particles in the water column.

In less than an hour after water change and filter sock in place, it is almost back to being crystal clear!

Now, I have to wonder if filter floss is good enough to use in this setup. I was dreading having to put a hob anything to run the bag of chemipure but I dont trust the prior setup to keep my tank clear anymore.

Anyone ever run into issue going from filter sock to filter floss?

I did this change on my old Red sea 350 and i had no such issue.

Being a small tank and less filter floss used. Maybe it wasnt suffient enough filter floss to filter out enough of the water.

Bummer because middle chamber has been for skimmer and since I do weekly water changes. I may decide to rid the skimmer vs adding extra equipment to ruin the look and the a potential leak + extra maintenance.


Advanced Reefer
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Since the tank was small and pretty much space is limited, only using about half a handful or slightly less.

In a red sea reefer, had 2 cups and slightly over a handful each to filter. I know water volume was much more but like VIPER MENTIONED, it would filter pretty good and then just overflow just about when it was ready to be trimmed or replaced.

So i guess not adequate enough in small doses.

Tank is a IM 20 Peninsula using an IM caddy only top tray used for filter floss.

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