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So the tank is just 3 months old and since I want to keep my tank from going through a huge cycle and losing any of my corals. I plan to run them in parallel for a few weeks.

Plan would be to take 60%~ of the current sand and get another bag of sand and run the system for awhile with just sand and any additional LR I'll be adding to the system.

With this method, I get the beneficial bacteria, it has time to settle and get the new sand colonized then do a transfer down the road.

Anyone have any recommendations outside of this plan to get my tank to be prepped while minimizing losses?

**Does my counter restart for getting things like a clam? I wanted to ensure my tank was mature before getting a clam and drop some $$ on SPS that require more stability. Current tank went through the cycle woos and don't want to deal with it again. Tank had so many hits than I have since I started the hobby.

Dinos, Byropsis, out of control ulva, GHA, etc. No cyano tho!



Advanced Reefer
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Yeah, I used reefflakes in a prior tank. I liked it. It's only been supplied by Premium Aquatics. Other vendors need to pick it up.

We'll see how long it takes to come in. Still need to wash it out right?

I plan to clean out my old sandbed then place first then cover it in the new sand so that I don't lose out on all the beneficial bacteria I've gained.

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