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Queens, NY
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Takes a few months, but in the past, I have trained yellow and sailfin tangs to eat hair algae.
With my current batch of yellow tangs, I've got them to eat microwaved hair algae, and will be a while before I can get them to eat raw hair algae off the rock. (on a side note, my hermit crabs and blennies also like the microwaved hair algae). The sailfins seems to adapt to hair algae pretty easily.
Any body else have any success with zebrasomas? I'm considering scopas or purple tangs in the future.

As for bristle mouth tangs, they will clear a bare rock and keep algae from growing in, but once the hair starts forming, I can't get the few that I had to consume it, either on a rock or free floating. (I attribute this to the flat worms, cyano or dinos that may have been in the hair in the past, which turns them off to it).

Any body else have zebrasomas, bristle mouth or even acanthurus trained on to hair algae? please be specific on the which species seems to be the most adventurous when it comes to trying new foods. Thanks, I'm looking to add "productive" fish to my tank from now on, not just fish that simply looks good.

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