Check out how my sediment filter looks like after 1 use! Produced 25 gallons. Does this looks normal? Looks extremely filthy. I live in a newer high rise in Manhattan. Brought 30 TDS to 0. Discussion - Much of my tank was wiped out a couple weeks ago. After much sleuthing I sent my water to Triton Labs and the only thing that was wrong with my RO/DI water was extremely high tin levels (see MR post...
New plumbing have a lot of tin and copper in the water due to new solder joints and copper pipes haven’t develop a oxidize layer yet.
Do icp test to confirm heavy metal levels.
You also might want to buy a pre sediment filter. Because nyc pipe system is very old even though you live in a new building. It should help with slowing down the use of your sediment filter. Other wise get another sediment filter canister to add on your unit .
NYC TDS is around 33 so your right there. I change my sediment filter often to preserve the rest of the filters as long as possible. I use the 0.5 string filter which lasts much longer and better IMHO. Ill even flush the outside of the filter if it get too brown so it doesn't seep though, this help alot to preserve the sediment filter.