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I have a frag rack full of fast growing zoas, such as Mohawks and pandoras. I also have a couple other frags that I cannot seem to sell and I want to free up space but am not sure what to do with them. anyone have advice?
I am some what new in the hobby as ive been in it for almost a year now, but I got a ton of these guys and am not sure what to price them at or maybe just straight up give them away. (I do not mind giving them away if i sell one or two frags to cover the cost of the initial frag.)


Advanced Reefer
Long Island
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I have a frag rack full of fast growing zoas, such as Mohawks and pandoras. I also have a couple other frags that I cannot seem to sell and I want to free up space but am not sure what to do with them. anyone have advice?
I am some what new in the hobby as ive been in it for almost a year now, but I got a ton of these guys and am not sure what to price them at or maybe just straight up give them away. (I do not mind giving them away if i sell one or two frags to cover the cost of the initial frag.)
You might have to give them away or even throw out if nobody wants them or see if someone wants to trade. You can also see if a store will give you store credit for them. In the future buy corals that might be a little more unique or slower growers if you want to be able to sell them when they grow too much for your tank.
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Does anyone remember the pay it forward section back in the day, we used to give it to new members just starting, and they would have to pay it forward to another once their tank was established. That’s what should be brought back to this forum. Mohawks are a confidence boooster for newbies because it grows fast and gives them the feeling they are doing something right with their tank chemistry, plus they are pretty cool looking


in the coral sea...
Union Square, NY
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Does anyone remember the pay it forward section back in the day, we used to give it to new members just starting, and they would have to pay it forward to another once their tank was established. That’s what should be brought back to this forum. Mohawks are a confidence boooster for newbies because it grows fast and gives them the feeling they are doing something right with their tank chemistry, plus they are pretty cool looking
It was called Don't Break the Chain.

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