So, I just noticed on my Clown - on one of his white stripes - an injury. A little bit of it is missing! I can't remember seeing it yesterday. He didn't really eat today either - though took and spit out mysis soaked in selcon. The fact that he even tried it is encouraging, but him spitting it out isn't! Not sure where the injury could have come from... The Yellow Tang does tend to be a bit of a crowder - he gets into other's space constantly and they both like to be at the front glass. Is it possible the Tang did that with his fins? Or is it something else? It's a circular wound. I've been trying to take a pic, but he won't stay still and keeps offering me his other side. I've also heard that an anemone will sting at first, so could this be that??? Or am I back to "mantis" theory? Even though I've never seen one, never heard one, and took out every single rock and found nothing?!