Other exporters know very well that the status quo in the Philippines is not an option. :?: :?:
What do you mean?
They know very well that they dont have to do antything at all that their government doesn't make them do.
The one person MAC show in Manila has threatened them and pressured them to join as there are no concrete, real and tangible reasons to join!
Wheres the fish? Wheres the alleged foreign expertise? Wheres there a trainer that actually knows how to catch and handle fish properly?
There is no chain of enhanced fish supply....therefore no chain of custody.
There is no stream of product...only a funding stream that excites and motivates the foreigners but leaves the local dealers with nothing to hold, nothing to see and nothing to sell.
This is a foreign enterprise with very few uncle Toms to vouch for it, front for it and convince others to join.
The total collapse of the field work has sabatoged the credibilty of the thing and left exporters aghast at the exhortation to join in and collaborate with it despite years of with nothing to show.
Then to be threatened to join this empty movement or else...? Was that a threat based in environmental concern or a desperate move to try and stop whats developing into a very dangerous momentum away from the MAC way?
They are being seen increasingly as the wrong remedy, the wrong strategy and clearly the wrong team to lead anyone anywhere.
Locally, they're DOA...but kept alive by foreign funding...HOW ELSE?
"When AID money keeps flowing, all our policymakers do is strategize on how to get more".
...the Kenya based director of the inter-region Economic Network , an African think-tank said.
They forget about getting their own people working to solve these very basic problems. In Africa we look to outsiders to solve our problems, making the victim not take responsibility to change."
Filipinos have the responsibility more then anyone to save their own resources....especially as the foreigners have proven so strategically and technicly inept, culturally insensitive, so money-grubbing and insincere.
Now that MAC has lost their hold on BFAR thru the loss of their inhouse BFAR liason....they may have to sink or swim thru deed and behaviour rather then thru a strategically placed salary.
Kalayaan again...! Bfar is free.