Hey guys, so I've been thinking of messing around with my light program a bit just to change things up. I have 4-160W Pacific Sun Black Pythons and I only run them at 50% over my 210G with 100% white, 50% Royal Blue and 0% 475mw Blue. They've been great for the past 3 years and I have changed the programming here and there, mainly changing color and reducing output. Recently I was trying to figure out what would be the most natual setting for my lights, basically something that would simulate the summer sun or just the sun over a reef on an every day basis. I was trying to find some info on Google, like graphs of sun intensity over a reef throughout the day but came up short. Anyways, my lights can be programmed for a max time of 360 minutes (6hrs) for sunset/sunrise so my thought was to just do about 300 minutes (5hrs) of ramping up and down with a 3 or 5 hr window of max power. Would love to get some thoughts on this.
Thanks in advance,
Thanks in advance,