So, I'm starting to notice that some of my corals haven't been as open sometimes. I just realized that the green fungia that I bought, which was really puffy during the day and with long tentacles out, isn't doing that anymore. I've only had it for a week. I thought maybe it just wasn't doing as good, but at night it's still like that (puffy and 'tentacly'). I've always wondered why my orange fungia was so bare during the day (very short tentacles) and at night it was puffy and looked happier. I've seen some fungia that the tentacles are crazy long! :?
So, I'm wondering that since some of LPS are much more "open" at night, if I have fish that is nipping at them still. I figured it can't be anything else because it would still bother them, but the fish are sleeping while these corals seem to be at their peak! I have green chromis, a bicolor blenny, clowns, a striped pseudo, a sailfin tang, a firefish, and a mandarin in there. Not really sure if any of them would be responsible (and I haven't noticed it either).
Any thoughts?
So, I'm wondering that since some of LPS are much more "open" at night, if I have fish that is nipping at them still. I figured it can't be anything else because it would still bother them, but the fish are sleeping while these corals seem to be at their peak! I have green chromis, a bicolor blenny, clowns, a striped pseudo, a sailfin tang, a firefish, and a mandarin in there. Not really sure if any of them would be responsible (and I haven't noticed it either).
Any thoughts?