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Recent content by 4angel

  1. WTB: Looking for a vho setup

    Sorry no pic. The unit looks good and works good and is wired just plug and play. It will fire 48" bulbs w/no problem.
  2. Best LFS?

    NYC stores are rated on this site via the navigation tabs on the left.
  3. WTB: Looking for a vho setup

    I have a SUN SEEKER QUAD model#FCQAD VHO powers 2,3, or 4 bulbs up to 12 feet with four water proof end caps no bulbs 100. [ June 03, 2005, 02:38 PM: Message edited by: 4angel ]
  4. Trip to Atlantis

    We have a few for car pooling. If we can get an idea how many cars are on the board and are willing to pack them up with a few MRs then maybe we can just pool it. We could all hook up at the Atlantis parking lot have a tail gait and then check out the place. Perhaps we can toss this idea around...
  5. Trip to Atlantis

    Ok looks like some interest.. I will talk to Vic try to get some numbers together as well as contact Atlantis and explore coordinating a behind the scene tour. [ May 25, 2005, 07:36 AM: Message edited by: 4angel ]
  6. Trip to Atlantis

    Just a thought Vic and I were tossing around. Perhaps renting a school bus and filling it up with Manhattan reefers and heading over to Riverhead to visit the Atlantis aquarium. Maybe a summer trip we can start to plan. How about some input.
  7. What's everybody doing June 5th?

    Hay BC Ill bring some Utz's and tortillas a few diet cokes or pepsi will this work?
  8. wave maker power strip and maxi jets

    Everythings in good working condition.
  9. wave maker power strip and maxi jets

    Yea strip and two PHs.
  10. wave maker power strip and maxi jets

    Natural wave maker power strip(red sea) 1)1200 & 1)900 MJ $30.
  11. WTB RO/DI

  12. New Addition . . . . .

  13. What's everybody doing June 5th?

    Ill bring soda and chips and playing cards.
  14. Need a source for reef putty, epoxy

    Hay yes are you working on getting some aquamend?
