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Recent content by Acropora

  1. ZA-1201 AQUA System Pico LED Light - Zetlight

    Do you still have this light in new condition,
  2. 450 tank move help

    Thank You Randy. The tank in my home came down since we are selling our home and moving out east to St. James, NY. A new tank will start there soon enough :)
  3. 450 tank move help

    Thank you to all who have offered and helped with the move. :)
  4. Can I use 150W bulbs on a 175W ballast?

    A 175 watt electronic ballast will run DE 150 HQI bulbs as well as 175 w SE bulbs.
  5. 450 tank move help

    Thank you we could use the extra hands. 12 noon. Please e mail for directions [email protected]
  6. 450 tank move help

    Moving my 450 Reef out tomorrow. The tank is empty but could use a few hands to assist moving it out of my home into the back yard. The move is 12PM this Sunday 12-14-07 in West Hempstead. If available please E mail me at [email protected]. Your help is appreciated and a free frag or so as...
  7. Kudos to Reef exotics!!!!!

    Thank you for above posts :) We will match or beat all online pricing. You can also pick up any item to save on shipping. Please call for pricing. 516-414-0950 Tony
  8. Kudos to Reef exotics!!!!!

    Thanks for stopping by Nelson, good to see you. Your purchase is greatly appreciated.
  9. January Group buy -Chiller Sale

    Reef Exotics is pleased to offer the discounts to Manhattan Reefs members . All orders can be E mailed directly to us at [email protected] or at [email protected] . Please mention group buy # RE1108 in your corespondance and include your full name, address , telephone number and E mail...
  10. Chiller Group Buy anybody ??

    Reef Exotics is pleased to offer the discounts to Manhattan Reefs members as described by Danthemanj above. All orders can be E mailed directly to us at [email protected] or at [email protected] . Please mention group buy # RE1108 in your corespondance and include your full name...
  11. lumenark minis

    I would like to take this time to address the Lumenarc /PGS/ Coralvue issue which is in litagation at this time. Coralvue has been making the Lumenarcs for PGS for some time. The original Lumenarcs (3+ years ago)were bent into shape using a bending tool. PGS contracted Coralvue to make all of...
  12. Tunze Nanostream 6055

    Thank you John. The Tunze 6055's have been back ordered and are beginning to arrive in small bi-weekly allotments. We have been able to fill most all of our paid back orders so some will be available in two weeks if ordered at this time. http://www.reefexotics.com/tunze_nano.htm
  13. Large custom tank-Needs repair For sale

    Thank you he decided to dismantle the tank and hold onto the glass.
  14. Thumbs Up for Reef Exotics

    We are an online store with warehouse space. I do make all items from our website availabe to Manhattan Reefs members for pick in West Hempstead. Items can be viewed on our website, www.reefexotics.com, and 99% of all items are in stock on a daily basis. Please E mail for directions and an...
  15. Large custom tank-Needs repair For sale

    I am posting this for a friend by the name of John who is not currently a member. John is looking to sell the following tank which needs to be repaired. If you are experienced with Tank building and are looking for a XL custom tank; then this is for you. Postive points: original Value $3,750 L...
