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Recent content by afgun

  1. PacificSun LED Lighting Pics & Feedback

    Try wine before ponying up for an XP license.
  2. LEDs - Good, Bad or just another addiction?

    I don't know what junction temperature that 50% degradation chart is calculated at, but assuming you don't drive the lamp at 100% all of the time that it's on and it's properly cooled, I would suspect you'd go a lot longer than 50k hours before output is down to 50% of new. What would be...
  3. PacificSun LED Lighting Pics & Feedback

    DKChris, for a 72" (like mine) I'd go with 1x BT-EX 120W master and 2x BT-EX 120W slave, or a 60" 140W Diemos (like I have ordered). Pictures of the Black Python units in the first post of this thread here...
  4. LEDs - Good, Bad or just another addiction?

    An interesting counterpoint to your view on red can be found in this AA article http://www.advancedaquarist.com/2008/12/aafeature1... That said, the internet is full of opinions, and this is just one of them.
