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Recent content by AgioNiko

  1. WTB: Aiptasia

    I have some for you. Whats the best way to get them, and how many?
  2. Tank break down all live stock

    Where are you located
  3. Moving Sale - Ridgefield Park , NJ

    Pm sent for weslo and tube worm
  4. Yellow tang xlarge

    Why are you selling? Was he arrested for disorderly conduct?
  5. Live stock

    Pics please
  6. Does anyone know who I can order cut glass from online?

    Following this thread. I'm interested as well. Good luck tony
  7. My 300g sps/Angelfish dominated tank

    Beautiful tank
  8. Corals for Sale 07076 in NJ

    Thanks for the kind words. It was a pleasure meeting you. Good Luck with the frags.
  9. Corals for Sale 07076 in NJ

    I can cut some mini colonies of Ora Green Scripps, yellow Purple tip tenuis, and some of the stags. PM me what youre looking for specifically.
  10. Corals for Sale 07076 in NJ

    Bump. Im off until Jan 5th. Flexible when I can meet up.
  11. Corals for Sale 07076 in NJ

  12. Corals for Sale 07076 in NJ

    Thank you for the kind words! Enjoy the corals, and keep me posted on how they're doing.
  13. Reborn Elos 70

    Wow. How long did it take you to acquire all those awesome pieces
  14. Groupon is selling Jellyfish tank kit!!

    Tempting is right. To funny
  15. please id good or bad

    They can get annoying.
