When LED's first came out I purchased an aqua illumination unit. Didn't realize how strong they were because they weren't as bright as my halides. Burned all my corals and killed a few.
Purchased Brand new a month ago.
Pump is way too strong for my needs. Ran it for 30 minutes before I just went back to my vectra.
Asking 350$ or trade for corals.
There's still a few around. Quiet though. Always lurking lol.
I just came back to the hobby last month. Bought a waterbox 155. In the process of stocking.
I use this one: 50lbs is roughly 16 gallons.
Here's a smaller one half the size:
Just purchased for my new build. Ran it for approximately 2hrs before realizing it’s way too strong for my frag tank.
Asking 400$ m
Possible trades for some high end corals.
I believe manhattan aquariums does and a few other vendors here.
Do you have allot of corals? Allot cheaper to find a buddy and offer him few hundred or dinner and beer.