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Recent content by akma

  1. Has anyone had the experience of suffering losses due to improper lighting in the aquarium?

    When LED's first came out I purchased an aqua illumination unit. Didn't realize how strong they were because they weren't as bright as my halides. Burned all my corals and killed a few.
  2. Sicce SDC 9.0 wifi

  3. Wtb AIO

    I'm actually using an radion xr30 pro I was using on another tank before. It's way overkill.
  4. Wtb AIO

    Nice! I came back with a 25 gallon aio. Upgraded to a 100 Gallon already.
  5. Wtb AIO

    Nice, Coming back to the hobby?
  6. Sicce SDC 9.0 wifi

    Purchased Brand new a month ago. Pump is way too strong for my needs. Ran it for 30 minutes before I just went back to my vectra. https://www.bulkreefsupply.com/syncra-sdc-9-0-controllable-pump-1000-2500-gph-sicce.html Asking 350$ or trade for corals.
  7. Abby's 260

    Is that a standard tank? Following along. Looking to upgrade to a 300 this year as well. What are plans for fish?
  8. Tank Thread IM 112ext tank build

    Nice, following along~
  9. Temporary return - IM Nuvo 40mini mixed reef

    There's still a few around. Quiet though. Always lurking lol. I just came back to the hobby last month. Bought a waterbox 155. In the process of stocking.
  10. Temporary return - IM Nuvo 40mini mixed reef

    Nice, Looking good. Following along~
  11. Equipment Slim ATO Reservoir

    I use this one: 50lbs is roughly 16 gallons. https://www.wayfair.com/pet/pdp/buddeez-pet-food-storage-container-aqjr1028.html Here's a smaller one half the size: https://www.wayfair.com/pet/pdp/buddeez-bag-in-dry-pet-food-storage-container-budz1022.html
  12. Sicce sdc 9.0 wifi

    Just purchased for my new build. Ran it for approximately 2hrs before realizing it’s way too strong for my frag tank. Asking 400$ m Possible trades for some high end corals.
  13. relocation Hoboken ->Brooklyn

    I believe manhattan aquariums does and a few other vendors here. Do you have allot of corals? Allot cheaper to find a buddy and offer him few hundred or dinner and beer.
  14. COOL! Brand New - WaterBox 155.5

    Sick Deal~ I just paid almost 4k for mine. T.T
  15. WWC OG, Neptune, magic carpet and other lps

    What kind of acans are those?
