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Recent content by Al Ulrich

  1. Water Parameters

    agree, your water parameters look fine.
  2. Egg sacks? Air bubbles? What are these?

    agree with the above, look like air bubbles to me
  3. Coralscapes the Movie | Part Two

    Nice videos. thanks for sharing
  4. spot feeders

    Kent marine makes something called a sea squirt feeder that will extend to about 3 feet
  5. Breeding Blue Green Chromis

    Hey there. Sorry for the late reply (thread is a month old), have you checked out the forums over at MOFIB: http://www.marinebreeder.org/forums/viewforum.php?f=170 Not as much info on the chromis as other fish (likely underscoring the difficulty there) but thought it might be helpful.
  6. mikejrice's 30 Gallon Innovative Marine Nuvo Reef

    More eye candy. Good stuff
  7. reusing old rock

    Just my two cents here, but if you left it outside and it wasn't soaking in water (fresh or salt), I think the dried out rock likely doesn't have that much living stuff on it, relative to a mature piece of live rock. My own recommendation would be to scrub it with a brush (like a clean potato...
  8. New to salt water

    welcome to the hobby, tank looks good!
  9. mikejrice's 30 Gallon Innovative Marine Nuvo Reef

    those are great pix. good work. it's cool to see the growth
  10. upgrading tank

    I think there might be an underlying issue fueling the growth of the algae--something is 'fertilizing' the algae. Would be good if you could ID the nutrient and stop it
  11. Xenia in the fuge

    Sweet. waiting for the results
  12. Xenia in the fuge

    That's a good question.
  13. upgrading tank

    Bummer. Any ideas what might be causing the algae? A nutrient spike from somewhere?
  14. Xenia in the fuge

    did you try it?
