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Recent content by albano

  1. Scopas Tang - free! Loc: Manhattan.

    Congrats… very nice decision
  2. Red Sea Reefer Nano: 07869

    +1… as per forum rules, please post prices. Thanks
  3. Purple Tang

    I showed your post to my purple tang, and he’s very upset… he thought that you liked him!
  4. Scam

    And then REPORT them, so that we can delete and ban them asap!
  5. SpectraPure MaxPure 180GPD RODI/ Drinking Water System

    Please post prices as per forum rules Thanks
  6. For Sale: Oscar Zoa

    Please post prices as per forum rules Thanks
  7. Coral Larger colonies for sale Brooklyn

    As per forum rules. Please post prices on all items for sale Thanks
  8. Shoutout! Bx store finally opening

    Wow… reef shop or reef shoppe? :)
  9. Shoutout! Bx store finally opening

    Who’s the owner?
  10. For Sale Tank Breakdown

    As per forum rules, you must post prices… group pricing is fine, if you don’t want to post individual prices Thanks
  11. For sale or trades

    As per forum rules, please post prices Thanks and welcome to the site
  12. WWC OG bounce, Magic carpet, Neptune bounce package deal

    Ohhhh…. that explains all the drones over NJ ! :)
  13. Misc equipment for sale/trade

    Please post all prices, as per forum rules Thanks
  14. FS: New 50 Gallon ESV Salt

    I’ve only used the 4 part packages of ESV, including liquid mixtures … that is also printed on the package of salt that you posted a pic of. Have you used ESV before?
  15. FS: New 50 Gallon ESV Salt

    Just salt, or entire package?
