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Recent content by alexhpc

  1. Evergrow d120--$100

    I am in mill basin. Trades for what? I am getting out of corals, so fish and equipment trades only.
  2. Evergrow d120--$100

    Evergrow D120 for sale $100
  3. Reef breakdown-FOWLR conversion

    Green torch and pink hammer sold
  4. Reef breakdown-FOWLR conversion

    PMs answered. Please text for better pics!
  5. Reef breakdown-FOWLR conversion

    text me 646-400-7945 for pics
  6. Reef breakdown-FOWLR conversion

    I am breaking down my reef and selling all coral Evergrow D120--$100 Acan-$10 Pink hammer-$15 Monti Cap--25 Candy cane, over 30 heads---$60 pink duncan--$15 green torch-$15 Green nephthea-$20 Greenand pink hammer-4 heads -$30 3 heads-$20
  7. Looking to trade for toadstool leather

    I have tons of toadstools, big and small i sent you a message. text me for pics
  8. Led fixture 4 units

    text me the pics/link to the product 6464007945
  9. Unbeatable costco deal

    I just wanted to share a great deal for costco, basically the 1 year membership is free after the cash card and the coupons. http://www.livingsocial.com/deals/1013597?ctr=1&ref=email-xm4f&rpi=150073787
  10. 60 Rimless Cube BREAKDOWN

    what is the model of the skimmer?
  11. T5 aquamedic 48" quad with LED

    I have a T5 aquamedic 48" quad bulb with blue reefbrite LED strip attached to it.. I would like to trade it for an LED fixture. Hit me up with an offer.
  12. Looking for Kenya and leathers,mushrooms, zoas

    I have very big toadstools i can give for free
  13. Help with moving a reef tank

    I wish I knew about MR before. I went with the LFS and they charged me $500 to move a 90 gallon.
  14. Elos ATO $50

  15. Elos ATO $50

    Sheepshead bay. Right off belt parkway
