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Recent content by altyfc

  1. Business search engine

    The good news is that our business search engine, after many, many months, is finally coming very soon! In fact, it should finally go fully live in the next 24 hours! If you want to get a listing (it's free) ready for launch, you may submit sites via...
  2. I think I'm getting the hang of this...

    Wow, guys... there's some excellent detail in these pics! :) Aaron
  3. Green Brain w/tentacles extended

    Excellent pictures... well done! :) Aaron
  4. Cirrhilabrus Pylei...Pyle's wrasse

    Wow... really nice shots. :D Aaron
  5. How long?

    How long as everyone here been reefkeeping for...? Aaron
  6. Any good reefkeeping magazines?

    Can anyone recommend a good reefkeeping magazine to subscribe to?
  7. Kalkwasser

    Is kalkwasser is the best way to go for maintaining calcium?
  8. Avoiding animals captured from the wild

    How can one buy animals that have not been caught in the wild? The reason being that the methods used for capture are often not good for reef ecology. Thanks.
  9. Ammonia

    What levels of ammonia are considered 'safe' and at what point should I start worrying?
  10. How much?

    How much would you expect to pay for an AGA tank with 3 1" drilled holes.
  11. Dolhpin Ampmaster purchase

    Where can I purchase a dolphin ampmaster 3000 online for a reasonable price?
  12. Traingular tank

    Has anyone here every made a triangular tank for the corner of a room?
