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Recent content by alvinhsu

  1. anemones eating molting shrimp?

    Is this typical behavior for a pseudo chromos? I know that they are have an aggressive streak in them but they typically leave the shrimp alone. Has any one out there had the same experience? A pseudo killing and eating ornamental shrimp?
  2. anemones eating molting shrimp?

    I have a BTA, and originally had 2 cleaners, and 3 peppermints in my tank, there only 1 cleaner left in my tank now. My water parameters are good 0 - 0 - 0.10 , and the anemone is healthy. However, I started noticing my shrimp disappearing 1 at a time and it is always concurrent with a shrimp...
  3. Corals turning brown?

    Potassium pyrosulfate
  4. Corals turning brown?

    -Parameters 0-0-10, PO4 is 0.4 - I have lot of macro in the tank to filter.. a fuge with mangroves and chaeto, some gracilera - skimmer is a tunze 9002 - birds nest is place top third of tank, moderate to high flow, acans are in the sand bed. any other thought out there?
  5. Corals turning brown?

    I have a 28g JBJ , lit with a 20k, 150 watt HQI. 9 hours of light per day. I have a few Acan and a pinkbirds nest. The corals are doing pretty well, acan are developing new heads, the birds nest is growing and branching, I don't understand why the pink birds nest is now a brown birds nest...
  6. Would you drink skimmer juice for $20? LMAO!

    i'd do it for a bag of skittles, but they all have to be red.
  7. Zoas

    I have a 28 gal JBJ cube, lighting is 150W 20k HQI, water quality is controlled by, - a center chamber is packed with ceramic filter media, - a tunez 9002 skimmer - CPR refugium with mangroves, chaeto, LR rubble, - tank ~40 pounds of LR rock, 4 inches of sand, 30 or so nassarius, and...
  8. Zoas

    Question on Zoas, I have two seperate colonies of zoas in my tank, one colony is doing fine, its responsive to lighting, feeds, and the polyps are wide open, i have another colony for which the polyps are the behaving the exact exact opposite, in fact move of the colony is either close or half...
  9. Pseudo Chromis Fridmani attacking a pair of Black Occelaris clowns

    I run a 28 gal JBJ HQI Nano cube. There is plenty of rock in there, however, I believe that adding more hiding spot may help the situation. How does fish psychology work... Can I put the dottyback in time out... let the clowns establish a territory, and then let the fridmani back in the tank to...
  10. Pseudo Chromis Fridmani attacking a pair of Black Occelaris clowns

    I have a pair of baby black occelaris clowns around a little less than an inch each in size, a BTA, which they have not started hosting in yet and I have a pseudochromis fridmani in my tank. The Clowns are new additions, and the fridmani is constantly attacking them when they get close to its...
  11. Tank break-down

    i'm doing a new set up 28 gal jbl HQI so i need rock.. but i can't really use 70 pounds, can you sell in smaller lots? whats your ask for 25 pounds?
