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Recent content by Andyv2004

  1. Salt

    Anyone know who has the best price on Salt?
  2. Salt

    Anyone know who is having a sale on Saltwater salt? I am in the south shore of Nassau. Thank you
  3. Salt

    Anyone know who is having a sale on Saltwater salt? I am in the south shore of Nassau. Thank you
  4. Salt

    Anyone know who is having a sale on Saltwater salt? I am in the south shore of Nassau. Thank you
  5. Salt

    Looking to buy some salt. Does anyone know who’s having a deal? All I have is live rock and fish tank. Thank you
  6. Bucket of base and live rock

    I have a bucket of base and live rock that I am giving away for free. I am located in Freeport, it is in salt water. I just don’t want to dry it out because it’s live rock. You would have to bring your own 5 gallon bucket.
  7. Equipment Reef Octopus HOB

  8. Equipment Reef Octopus HOB

    Reef octopus, HOB skimmer. I am asking $85 or best offer. It had a crack on the side as you can see on the photo but it was welded with acrylic welding does not affect performance. PSK 2500 pump. Monster skimmer
  9. Equipments for sale

    How much are you asking?
  10. Equipments for sale

    Interested in the biocube caddie and will they work for a 29g biocube? Can you pm with what is still available. Thank you, Andy
  11. 29/32g biocube led canopy feeding lid.

    Bump, help
  12. Dosing pump for nano

    hey guys, I am looking for a single dosing pump for dosing Kalkwasser on a 29g biocube. Thank you in advance
  13. 29/32g biocube led canopy feeding lid.

    I need help finding or someone who might be able to reproduce a biocube led feeding lid maybe with a tinted acrylic lid with mesh for jumping safety! Figured it would help a bit with oxygen exchange
  14. Good skimmer for 29g biocube

    Hi guys, looking for a really good protein skimmer for a 29 gallon biocube.. Any suggestions?
  15. 29/32g biocube compact fluorescent canopy

    Please close, I am actually going to keep this hood in case I want to do an LED retrofit. It’s in brand new condition sorry guys your loss lol
