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Recent content by anthonysafricans

  1. African fish

    I know it's not reefing but I also keep African catfish and cichlids got some synodontis lucippini fry for sale $10 a fish they are around 1 inch and 1 1/2 inches. P.u. m.u. Staten Island by 10312
  2. Deep Blue 80 gallon Frag Tank For Sale $200

    Wish you were closer I would grab this
  3. 80 gallon rimless setup for sale

    Can you post pix of tank
  4. 2014 tank sale

  5. 2014 tank sale

    If you do deliver to staten island I'm definitely down
  6. What POTO has been up to

    Love when a new and quality store opens on si....not many if any left please keep us posted I'll be there opening day
