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Recent content by Astoria

  1. Rbta F/s

    Hey, Pedro how are you? :) If you have any anemone left, put my name on your list. Thanks Gary
  2. Astoria,

    Mr. First, I am in Astoria. Gary
  3. Help Dying leather?

    Awibrandy, the link is for lugos solution:) Just refresh your browser:) Take care gary
  4. Manhattanreefs.com Member Tank Photo Thread

    90 G. 3 months after a complete tank crash. ( 6 days no power)
  5. New Person Here.

    Welcome to
  6. Brain Coral for Sale

    MVs, how are you? I will take it. Can we meet in Astoria Wed. morning ( 8:30AM to 1:30PM) You name the place and time. Thanks Gary
  7. GB - Cyclopeeze and Mysis

    Steve, if you need mysis, before Jim comes to Queens, just tell me when you want to stop by the dealership. I will bring some for you. 1/3 of a block is OK? Take care Gary
  8. GB - Cyclopeeze and Mysis

    Jim and Russ, thanks for orginizing this GB. Gary
  9. Happy B-day jackson 6745

    Happy Birthday Rich:)
  10. sparkysreef 180 gal BB SPS reef rebuild

    Good Job sparkysreef... I cant wait to see more pictures. Gary
  11. GB - Cyclopeeze and Mysis

    Jim, you have Pay-Pal. Astoria - (1) - $26.00 Astoria - (1)- $37.50 PP fees 4% 2.54 Total 66.04 Sent 67.00 A couple of cents:) more for paypal fees. Jim if is more just tell me. Thanks Gary
  12. New Memeber Here!

    Welcome to .....:groupflip
  13. Happy BirthDay Ricky !!!!

    Ricky, Happy Birthday:) and many more. Gary
  14. FS Mushroom Rocks

    Irisservice I will take both of them. Sent me your pay-pal account or COD. Thanks Gary
  15. YANKS or METS who are you going for?

    :lol2: LOL Thank God i don't have to use the 7 train:) :grouphug:
